Over 100 graduates of Florida State University have been recognized as Grads Made Good, a program honoring alumni who have made outstanding contributions in their community or chosen field. The Grads Made Good award, presented in partnership with the FSU Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), recognizes alumni who have made exceptional contributions in their community or field and the accomplishments of notable alumni, faculty and staff who have secured their place in the history of Florida State University by pushing boundaries and redefining standards within their respective fields.
2024 Honorees

Ryan Dorrell
(B.S. ’95)
College of Business
Lutz, Florida

Devonta Freeman
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy
Buford, Florida

Jared Lyon
(B.S. ’11)
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy
Tampa, Florida

Greg Thomas
(B.M. ’87)
College of Music
Nashville, Tennessee
Nomination Information
- Hold an earned bachelor's or graduate degree from this institution
- Have been in their career field for at least five years
- Have accomplishments recognized at the national/international level
- Must not be employed by Florida State University
- Nomination form: Please provide accurate and current information for the nominee and the nominator.
- Statement of nomination: Please provide a statement of nomination describing why you feel this individual should be considered for this award, including any known involvement related to FSU since graduation.
- At least two letters of support: A completed nomination will include at least two Letters of Support. A strong nomination will contain at least one letter from a respected colleague in the nominee's area of professional distinction and a second letter from a current dean, chair or colleague from Florida State University.
Nominees must be placed in formal nomination each year with a completed online nomination form. Nominations can be made by anyone. Nominations will be solicited through the Florida State University Alumni Association’s newsletters, social media and alumni chapters and networks. All nominations must be received by the Alumni Association upon the designated due date each year.
- November 22,2024 - Nominations open
- March 16, 2025 - Nominations close
- Late January-February - Verification and review process
- Spring/Summer 2025 - Honorees are notified
- Fall 2025 - Honorees are recognized during Homecoming
Process: A committee appointed will select the recipients of the Grad Made Good Award. Each year's recipients are notified upon approval of the Alumni Association National Board of Directors' Engagement Committee in Spring 2024. If a nominee is not selected in a particular year, they may be re-nominated in succeeding years.
Self-nominations will not be considered.
Florida State University Alumni Association reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the final list.
For questions, please contact Erin Sylvester Philpot, M.Ed, ODK faculty secretary, at 850.644.2775 or esylvester@fsu.edu.
Former Grads Made Good Honorees
Honorable Reubin O ’D. Askew (B.S. ’51) d
Dr. H. Richard Blieden (Ph.D. ’62)
Thomas M. Hall (B.M. ’64, M.M. ’66)
Ney C. Landrum (B.A. ’52, M.A. ’56)
Dr. Sean Patrick McGlynn (Ph.D. ’56)
Al (Albert L. Smelko) Stratton (’60)
Dr. Aubrey K. Lucas (Ph.D. ’66)
Dr. David Ward-Steinman (B.M. ’57)
Robert M. Urich (B.A. ’68) d
Dr. Jacqueline L. DuPont (B.S. ’55, Ph.D. ’62)
James B. Tippin, Jr. (B.S. ’50)
Philip G. Boggs (B.S. ’71) d
Dr. Neil L. Frank (M.S. ’59, Ph.D. ’70)
Dr. Virginia Spencer Carr (B.A. ’51, Ph.D. ’69) d
William O. Cullom (B.S. ’58)
Sister Mary Michelle (Patricia E.) Carroll (B.S. ’44)
Maj Gen Norma Elaine Brown (B.S. ’49) d
Justice Alan C. Sundberg (B.S. ’55) d
Sir Jack D. L. Holmes, PhD, OIC (B.A. ’52) d
Bishop Marjorie S. Matthews (M.A. ’71, Ph.D. ’76) d
James C. Smith (B.S. ’62)
Dr. Mostafa F. El-Sayed (Ph.D. ’59)
Dr. Jane Srygley Mouton (M.S. ’51) d
General William H. Ginn, Jr. (B.A. ’58) d
Arnold T. Diaz (B.A. ’71)
Dr. Mark S. Wrighton (B.S. ’69)
Herbert F. Morgan (B.S. ’66) d
Charles G. Rex (B.M. ’71, M.M. ’72)
Cynthia G. Taylor (M.S. ’76)
Dr. Norman Earl Thagard (B.S. ’65, M.S. ’66)
Dr. Orrin H. Pilkey, Jr. (Ph.D. ’62)
Stephen J. Rothman (B.S. ’72, M.F.A. ’74)
Brigadier General Michael K. Sheridan (B.S. ’56)
Richard D. “Dick" Howser (B.S. ’58) d
Dr. Willis W. Tyrrell, Jr. (B.S. ’52)
Dr. Douglas M. Windham (B.A. ’64, M.A. ’67, Ph.D. ’69) d
Dr. Sylvia A. Earle (B.S. ’55)
Dr. Raul P. deGuzman (M.S. ’55, Ph.D. ’57)
Maj Gen Winfield S. (Scott) Harpe (B.S. ’59) d
Dr. A. Hugh Adams (B.S. ’50, M.S. ’56, Ed.D. ’62) d
John J. (Joe) Gangloff (B.S. ’65)
Mary Anne Loughlin (B.S. ’77)
Dr. Joseph W. Cullen (Ph.D. ’68) d
Thomas M. Culligan (B.A. ’73, M.P.A. ’77)
Dr. Howard L. Simmons (Ph.D. ’75)
James L. Massey (B.S. ’65)
Gayle Sierens Martin (B.S. ’76)
Henry Polic, II (B.A. ’67, M.A. ’69)
Davis P. Gaines (B.A. ’76)
Dr. Clyda Stokes Rent (B.A. ’64, M.S. ’66, Ph.D. ’68)
Dr. Isabel Wood Rogers (B.A. ’45)
Admiral Paul D. Miller (B.S. ’63)
Dr. Alan R. Price (B.S. ’64)
Dr. Betty L. Siegel (Ph.D. ’61)
Jennifer L. Howse (B.A. ’66, M.A. ’68)
Robert L. Ward (B.A. ’71)
William F. “Woody” Woodward (B.S. ’66, M.S. ’70)
Dr. A. Blanton Godfrey (M.S. ’70, Ph.D. ’74)
Judy Patton Lotas (B.A. ’64)
Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (B.M. ’60, M.M. ’62)
Dr. Gwynn Collins Akin (B.S. ’61)
Lt. Gen. Charles J. Cunningham, Jr. (B.S. ’57)
Dr. Robert “Bud” Grace (B.S. ’65, Ph.D. ’71)
Dr. Michael G. Berenbaum (Ph.D. ’75)
Antonio Busalacchi, Jr. (B.S. ’77, M.S. ’80, Ph.D. ’82)
Linda Zoghby (B.M. ’71, M.M. ’74)
Clifford L. Freeman (B.S. ’63)
Dr. Robert C. Harriss (B.S. ’62)
J. Bailey White (B.S. ’73)
Monsignor William A. Kerr (M.S. ’73, Ph.D. ’75)
Carolyn A. O ’Neil (B.S. ’76)
Willa Jo Zollar (M.F.A. ’79)
Mark S. Ellis (B.S. ’79, J.D. ’84)
Barbara S. Harris (B.S. ’78)
Douglas W. Marlette (B.S. ’71) d
Cdr. Douglas J. Allen (B.S. ’76)
Winston E. Scott (B.M.E. ’72)
Janet L. Stoner (B.S. ’70, M.S. ’72)
Charlotte West (B.S. ’54)
Dr. Larry H. Crow (B.S. ’66, M.S. ’67, Ph.D. ’67)
Carolyn Spencer Griner (B.S. ’67)
Lt. Gen. Kenneth A. Minihan (B.A. ’66)
E. L. (Chip) Chalmers (B.F.A. ’76)
Dr. Paul Robinson (Ph.D. ’67)
Dr. Suzan Zeder (Ph.D. ’78)
Janice Huff (B.S. ’82)
Lynda Keever (B.A. ’69)
Hansel E. Tookes, II (B.S. ’69)
Mel R. Martinez (B.A. ’69, J.D. ’73)
Dr. Diane Roberts (B.A. ’79, M.A. ’80)
H. James Towey (B.S. ’78, J.D. ’81)
Raymond G. Hemann (B.S. ’57) d
Vice Admiral Gordon S. Holder (B.M.E. ’68)
Reverend Glenda B. Hope (B.A. ’58)
James L. Bacchus (J.D. ’78)
Dr. M. Dianne Murphy (Ph.D. ’80)
R. Eugene Taylor (B.S. ’89)
Laird B. Anderson (B.S. ’58)
Max Mayfield (M.S. ’87)
Peter F. Romero (B.S. ’71, M.A. ’72)
Steven L. Sears (B.A. ’80)
William D. Clay (B.A. ’71, M.S. ’74)
Charlie Crist (B.S. ’78)
Marvalene Hughes (Ph.D. ’69)
Mark H. Thiemens (Ph.D. ’77)
Jonathan G. King (M.F.A. ’92)
Neil H. McKee (M.S. ’88)
Kathleen Parker (B.A. ’73, M.A. ’76)
Carol J. Cooper (B.S. ’73, M.S. ’76, J.D. ’77)
Manuel H. Johnson (M.S. ’75, Ph.D. ’77)
Barry V. Qualls (B.A. ’67)
Lt. General Franklin L. “Frank” Hagenbeck (M.S. ’78)
Dr. James H. Oliver, Jr. (M.S. ’54)
Susan Hassmiller (B.S. ’77, M.S. ’79)
Mike Pate (B.S. ’68)
Senator Bob Johnson (B.S. ’58)
John Osterlund (M.S. ’90)
Judy Bense (B.A. ’67, M.S. ’69)
Jimi Cook (B.S. ’88)
Meg Crofton (B.S. ’74, M.B.A. ’75)
Randy Hanna (J.D. ’83)
Gail Skofronick-Jackson (B.S. ’86)
John Thiel (B.S. ’83)
Dale Burton (Ph.D. ’81)
Wendy Clark (B.A. ’91)
Rodney Hero (B.S. ’75)
J. Marshall Shepherd (B.S. ’91, M.S. ’93, Ph.D. ’99)
Marion Hargett (B.S. '93)
Craig Nance (B.S. '91, M.S. '94)
Montego Glover (B.F.A. '96)
Damon Andrew (Ph.D. '04)
Dulcidio de la Guardia (B.S. '84)
Sandra Dunbar (B.S. '72)
Sandra Barker (M.S. ’76, Ph.D. ’78)
JoAnne Graf (B.S. ’75, Ph.D. ’92)
Nancy McKay (B.A. ’78)
Gene Stearns (B.A. ’66, J.D. ’72)
Arthur L Fleming (B.S. '81)
Myrna Hoover (B.S. '83, M.S. '84)
David James Kennedy (B.S. '99)
Inez Cohen (B.S. '74)
Bruce McNeilage (B.S. '88)
Neil St John Rambana (B.A. '92, M.A. '96)
Lisa Balskus (B.S.N. ’84)
Jose B. Fernandez (B.A. ’70, M.A. ’71, Ph.D. ’73)
Jocelyne Fliger (M.S.W. ’15)
Sean Pittman (A.A. ’89, B.S. ’90, J.D. ’94)
Captain Julie Kim Moss (B.S. ’88)
Patricia Ragan (B.S. ’70)
Tevin Wooten (B.S. ’18)
denotes video is available
(d) denotes deceased